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Why Winter is the Perfect Time to Evaluate Your Landscape Plan

  • 04
  • 12
  • 2021

If you have unfinished plans for your St. Charles area home, the winter can be the perfect time to gather some inspiration and review your landscape plan. It can be a great time to create the type of yard you can use for a stay-cation.

As the calendar advances, the conditions may be unfavorable for work. But the time can be used to consider the uses of your yard, and what you would like to get out of the space. The weather may not cooperate, but it can still be a great time to come up with ideas.

How to Evaluate Your Landscape Plan

Find Inspiration

Think about some of those warmer weather walks you took through the neighborhood, or some of the public parks and gardens you recently visited. What sort of plants caught your attention? What did you like? Did you spend time on any friends’ patios that captured your imagination?

Now is your chance to research what kind of native plantings thrive in northern Illinois. It is your chance to think about the layout and design of your yard in more depth. Are there any areas you want a tree that you don’t currently have one? This is your chance to plan what can be truly beautiful enhancements.

Consider All Solutions

Unique challenges offer the opportunity for unique solutions. Make sure you are taking into consideration all the characteristics of your yard. If you have to consider a unique slope, drainage issues, or other natural obstacles, they offer the opportunity for unique solutions or land uses.

Make sure to keep your intended family usage in mind as you evaluate your landscape plan, as well.

If you have any questions planning, or would like to consult a professional landscaper, contact us