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The Impact of Landscaping on Housing Prices

  • 22
  • 09
  • 2016

Your Naperville-area home is your prize investment. Optimizing it for your enjoyment is a significant priority for many homeowners. That’s where preparing for a stay-cation can be hugely important.


What happens if you’re looking to sell? Not everybody plans on staying where they are years into the future. The impact of landscape design on housing prices can be significant. Think about it. Your landscaping is the first thing people see when they drive or walk past your home.

It is everything that is comfortable and inviting about the outside look of your home. Home owners associations understand this. That is why they regulate much of the look.

If you are selling, you’ll of course want to keep up on the basic landscaping tasks such as mowing or weeding. These are some of the landscaping tasks that are most noticeable when they aren’t met.

But there are some enhancements that will provide value for years to come, making them excellent additions for those looking to sell.

Some Factors for the Impact of Landscaping on Housing Prices

Adding Trees – Trees are a great way to maximize your home investment. This tree calculator breaks down the various ways that a tree can add value and savings on an annual basis. Energy reduction, property values and carbon dioxide reduction are all impacted.

Native Plants – Native plantings can thrive naturally without a lot of extra care, since they are local to the area. Maintaining native plants will always be significantly cheaper than non-native plants. A rain garden filled with native plantings can lower flood insurance rates.

Driveways – The driveway is often the most visible hardscaping in front of a home. It should compliment the look of the home, and be in good condition in order to have a positive impact on housing prices. Creative use of materials such as pavers also help.

Lighting – Quality outdoor lighting adds an element of safety to the exterior of your home. The right kinds of accent lighting can allow for enjoyment of your backyard into the evening hours.

Are you selling your Naperville area home? Don’t discount the impact of landscaping on housing prices. A professional landscape company can help you come up with original ideas for upping your home’s curb appeal.